Mp3 Download song Winger IN THE DAY WE'LL NEVER SEE FREE Mp3 Download Song Lyrics. Winger song lyrics


I was born onto the earth, mama died on the night of my birth
I grew up with no place to jam, just hearin' the talk of somewhere remembering

When all the children sang and all you heard was the word
It's funny how we've changed, we're getting closer

To the day we'll never see the rising sun, it's setting
In the day we'll never see, what have we done?

Crucify, while you stand by, you hear the call, don't blink an eye
Where will you go, nowhere to run, what can we save when the damage is done

The world is spinning round
The light of the moon is now the tear of the clown
Hear the word, it's comin' down, we're getting closer

To the day we'll never see the rising sun, it's setting
In the day we'll never see, we're getting closer
To the day we'll never see the rising sun, it's setting
In the day we'll never see, what have we done


The world is spinning round
The light of the moon is now the tear of the clown
Hear the word, it's comin' down, we're getting closer
To the day we'll never see the rising sun, it's setting
In the day we'll never see, what have we done
To the day we'll never see the rising sun, it's setting
In the day we'll never see, the time has come, the time has come

To the day we'll never see... in the day we'll never see... (repeats out)
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